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[udig-devel] Re: udig-devel Digest, Vol 36, Issue 24

Hi Jesse,

thanks for your advices. I think that it was a too big ambition for me to work with SVN sources (I just learn eclipse RCP last month), so i decide to start writing some plugins using the SDK for now. About that I must write a plugin that allow the user to create some scenario, for example we have a map of a road network with an unfinished beltway, so we want to allow the user to create a scenario where he could finish this beltway (without affecting the main scenario). Could you give me some advice to implement this functionality in UDIG?


Jonathan Gillot.

Hi John,

The unfortunate thing about the product files is that they are tied
to a exact version of the RCP.  So you are correct to not use it
strictly.  What seems to be the problem is that your
net.refractions.udig.libs plugin is either not part of your run or
has not build properly.

Have you tried using the SDK?

If you have a SVN check out then try this:

1.  Project>Clean...  Clean all projects and wait for it to finish
(sorry it will take a while)
2.  right click on net.refractions.udig.libs and choose PDE Tools-
>Update Classpath
3.  In openned dialog Select all projects and run the update classpath
4.  Do the project clean again.
5.  make sure that in your Runtime Configuration
net.refractions.udig.libs is checked.


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