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Re: [udig-devel] configuring eclipse

My comments in line.
Mauricio Pazos
tel-:+34 94 441 63 84

On Monday 16 April 2007 20:47, Elias Ruiz wrote:
> Hola
> Thanks to answered to my question, but I've see that I do not explained
> very well (sorry for my english)
Our English is excelente! :-D
> In my case I am using the Version 3.2.2 of eclipe and the version 1.0.6
> of UDig
I think the version of your Eclipse SDK is not the problem, but I m not sure.
I am working with Eclipse 3.2.2 and Udig 1.1, you could checkout it from

> I read that the udig software can be extended using plugins components
> and that these plugins must be developed in eclipse ide
> I downloaded both softwares in the versions that I mentioned before
> When I knew about the "net.refractions.udig.tutorials.distancetool"
> example, I've found that this example was very interesting in my task to
> learn more about this useful software, so I decided to compile and use
> it
> The problem that I have is that when I opened the eclipse ide and follow
> the steps indicates in the guide "Distance Tool 1.0x" (the word document
> because I am using an older version of udig), I saw that the eclipse
> environment does not have any reference to the UDig plugin, and I I
> tried to write it, an error appears.

Well, If you have imported all plugins, features, and fragments of Udig, you 
should have all reference.

> I mentioned before that I usually work in an microsoft development
> environment (it is know that it uses graphic and simple visual
> interface) so I am not very habituated to use much customizations, but I
> am decided to learn more things

Maybe, you need more backgound about eclipse RCP, the following link has a 
nice tutorials and books reference

A good initial point is 

"Eclipse Rich Client Platform - Designing, Coding and Packaging Java 

> Thanks for tour attention
> Elias Ruiz
> Este mensaje es enviado con fines informativos y/o laborales únicamente.
> Osiptel no se responsabiliza, expresa o implícitamente, por la exactitud de
> dicha información o la conveniencia de uso para propósitos particulares. Si
> usted recibió por error este correo, por favor reenvie el mismo al
> remitente, indicandole el error cometido.

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