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Re: [udig-devel] How to add a ServiceExtension by using the ConnectionFactory WizardPage

This requirement was part of the original design but I'm not sure that it actually survived the implementation. I will try this out this weekend and get it to work...


On Apr 13, 2007, at 3:48 AM, Bastian Schaeffer wrote:


I want to add Web Processing Service as a new ServiceExtensions. To be precise, I want to use a wizard to guide me through the process of entering a WPS url, selecting a process, adding input data and finally add the result as a layer to the map.

Following the catalog.wfs plug-in code, I need  2 Extension Points:
1. net.refractions.udig.catalog.ServiceExtension -thats fine
2. net.refractions.udig.catalog.ui.connectionFactory

I have some trouble with the 2nd Extension Point. The wizard page can only show an initial page and a final page(to manually select and import the resources). But I need to have several pages for every step described above. The public IWizardPage getNextPage() method in my Wizard page is never invoked, but I think this is the major point to dynamically create new pages. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for your help


Bastian Schaeffer

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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