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Re: [udig-devel] Connections to R

> I'm trying to design a flexible approach to build R spatial objects.
> Right now I'm working through JRI, trying to build a
> SpatialPointsDataFrame in R. Neither JRI nor Rserve seem capable right
> now of doing this out of the box, but regardless we will have to do a
> bit of work mapping the Attribute[] array of Gt Features to a flat
> table.
> I gather there are different efforts working to connect udig and R,
> either via Rserver or JRI. I believe the CGIAR potato center folk and
> maybe axios are involved. Can any of you point me to code which builds R
> objects? I looked on the community space and didn't find the right
> plugins to examine.

I believe this is heavy stuff to do without creating the code by
yourself and then maintaining that code. I feel this is really too much
work... We are now starting with the design phase for R connection, but
we will use the R - Grass bindings, which are already there. That means
that we will be able to work with GRASS rasters and vectors and R, but
the major work will be in the Rserve.

I know, this is not much scientifical spoke :), it's just what I think
for now, in the next weeks I will hopefully know more. It would be good
to talk in these weeks, to see what the one or the other would like to
do with those connection to R.


> thanks,
> adrian
> _______________________________________________
> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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