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Re: [udig-devel] udig life cd

On 13-Mar-07, at 11:38 AM, Andrea Antonello wrote:

Jody, Jesse, thanks for the answers.
I'll try to resume all the mails in one big piece to have better
Sorry for this long post.

Answers to 1) and 2)

You can pass a map as a command line argument and it will start with
that map open.  You can also define things like the workspace to use,
the vmargs (which is are how you can specify arguments that are passed
to the VM).  I'll make up a page somewhere for this stuff.
Create a shell or bat file with the line:

udig -data c:\workspace testmap.umap

then the workspace will be at c:\workspace and a new project will be
created in the workspace that contains the map you requested to be
loaded.  Just tested this with RC9 and it works.


3) the data instead should be no problem, even if readonly, just you
will not be able to change the style, right?

Well you can change the presentation; just not save the change. I do
think jesse tries to write out
the project file all the time (perhaps this decision would need to be
changed).  The seek time on a CD
is horrible - so the rendering experience would be very bad.

Yup, agreed, but sometimes it is just good to have people to browse the
territory and let them download only the visible part to disk in the
sense of shapefiles and whatever is on. Lots of professionals here seem
to have pcs with very low diskspace and from the 4 giga of cartography
they need only a small part. That could be a reason to make this ok even
if the performance is not good and you can't edit or save style.

4) imagine to have to automagically load a whole pile of geotiffs and
geojpgs. Obviously you can't preload them, instead you could have
somewhere a list with the bounds and you could load only the visible
ones in the window and also make the visualization scaledependent. Where
could I best nest the regarding code for this?

Jody answer:

The raster support should cover all this - but the raster support is not
available for uDig 1.1 (we need to update our version of GeoTools).

I'm using the sdk as playing UDig, instead of the release. With the rc9
I am able to load geotiffs and geojpgs on my linux box. I wanted to try
it on windows so I downloaded the same version, but not sdk. On windows
udig doesn't load the same data I used before on linux. Is there a
difference between the udig and sdk release?

The source code is distributed with the SDK that is the only real difference

Jesse answer:

This is a weakness right now.  Take a look at the IServices and
IGeoResources for these.  To cheat for now you can add information to
the parameter object that is passed in to the service because it is
persisted.  And when the service is loaded you can retrieve the
information from the parameters.

I will for sure have a look on that, thanks. Also the scale dependent
visibility (as for shapes) could be a generic parameter for all data.

Parameters as well maybe.  I don't know what support Geotools has for this.  I think much of this is supposed to be handled by the Style used to render the image.  Unfortunately I again don't know the level of support.

5) is it the product that one creates to keep the packaging infos, i.e.
if I create a viewer with just sdk classes and no others, than will
anyone be able to recreate that viewer just by having the product plugin?

Jody answer:

Not sure I understand that ... they can create the viewer just using the
plugins (the product is only helping
you manage what plugins are used - you could do it all by hand).

Jesse answer:

The product file just refers to Features that are used to construct
the product.  Each Feature lists the plugins that the Feature
includes.  You
can create your own features so that you can distribute the plugins in
different ways.  For example you could have a "Lite" version that only
has the plugins to view shapefiles but no editing or selecting or
anything like that.  Then you can create another that is the "extras"
feature that can be downloaded and added for other functionality.

Yes, that was what I meant. In fact some of the "configuration" is done
throught the inclusion of the plugins. But what about the perspective
start configuration? I.e. where is it written that udig should start
with a project view a layer view and were to put them in the layout?

The perspective is at the moment hard-coded into the UDIGWorkbenchAdvisor class.  New perspectives can be created in the plugin.xml and you can create a new Application that extends the uDig Application as well as the UDIGWorkbenchAdvisor and then your perspective will be used...  You know what it will take mek 5 minute so that it is a preference.  I will make that change.  Ok now you just have to modify the plugin_customization.ini file by adding:


Then your perspective will be used.  Note that I have Just nown committed that change and you will have to build the uDig from the source code.  Its easy just press the export link in the uDig.product file editor.

6) The udig project file doesn't support relative paths? This would
be mandatory to have a project starting from cd.

Jody answer:

I would save individual "context documents" which support relative
paths; that would let users quickly
set up new projects (saved in their home directory) ...

I don't understand what you mean exactly here.

Jesse answer:

Ugh no it doesn't.  The ServiceParameterPersister is responsible for
persisting the parameters.  I dont know that I have time to do the
work right now.  But if you make a patch I will happily apply and test
it for you.  There is also a ServiceParameterPersisterTest class that
you can add the relative path test to.

Ok, that is good, I will try to see if I can find what you mean. In case
I'll post some questions... as usual :)

7) I burned udig on a cd to see what happens when launched from there
(and on a windows box) and the answer is... nothing. Well almost
nothing. The splashscreen starts, a folder
.eclipse/net.refractions.udig_product...etc.etc. is created with the
configuration in it and then... everything dies. No error, nothing at
all. I tried to launch it from commandline and the same happened.
(this makes me also think of the possibility to have a debug mode,
which has some logging system (log4j?))

Jody answer:

There is a debug mode ... called tracing.

To enable it (even on a deployed application) you can create a
".options" file in the plugin you are having problems with.
For more details please see the developers guide ...

There is a command line option -consoleLog that will put log messages
to the screen (rather then just to disk).

Great, I've seen something in the docs, I'll check. Thanks.

Jesse answer:

Right you have to specify where the configuration area should be.  add
the parameter -configuration %HOMEPATH%\uDigConfig

So something like:

udig -data %HOMEPATH%\uDigWorkspace\
-configuration %HOMEPATH%\uDigWorkspace\ config testMap.umap

That sounds good. I will do some test and report back later. Have to run

Thank you very much for the time to answer to all this.

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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