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Re: [udig-devel] udig life cd

I'll answer too.

On 13-Mar-07, at 8:22 AM, Andrea Antonello wrote:

Hi, this is something that was discussed a bit in the past in udig and
geotools, but I couldn't find answers to my doubts.
It deals with the need of small and simple configurable viewers based on
geotools, while geotools doesn't support the gui part any longer (at
least not regularly). I support the decision, since geotools is the
library and the viewers should be made on top of udig...

...BUT... udig is really a beast to tame :) and just knowing a bit of
java is not enough, while it is/was with the geotools classes.

So here I go with some straight questions regarding the possibility to
start udig in lightweight mode (just some necessary modules) with
preloaded data from a cd:

1) the udig executable has no command line arguments? For example to
pass it a project to be loaded. I couldn't find any.

You can pass a map as a command line argument and it will start with that map open. You can also define things like the workspace to use, the vmargs (which is are how you can specify arguments that are passed to the VM). I'll make up a page somewhere for this stuff.

2) when launching udig from a cd, which is obviously readonly, is the
default workspace created in the home? I assume it is not possible to
have a project launched from cd, since the workspace containes
.metadata, which are read and written every time to remember the
perspective's configuration and other nice stuff.

Create a shell or bat file with the line:

udig -data c:\workspace testmap.umap

then the workspace will be at c:\workspace and a new project will be created in the workspace that contains the map you requested to be loaded. Just tested this with RC9 and it works.

3) the data instead should be no problem, even if readonly, just you
will not be able to change the style, right?

You may find some bugs here but I think you can change the style, you just won't be able to edit the shapefiles. You might want to include some postGIS layers if you want to demonstrate editing.

4) imagine to have to automagically load a whole pile of geotiffs and
geojpgs. Obviously you can't preload them, instead you could have
somewhere a list with the bounds and you could load only the visible
ones in the window and also make the visualization scaledependent. Where
could I best nest the regarding code for this?

This is a weakness right now. Take a look at the IServices and IGeoResources for these. To cheat for now you can add information to the parameter object that is passed in to the service because it is persisted. And when the service is loaded you can retrieve the information from the parameters.

5) is it the product that one creates to keep the packaging infos, i.e.
if I create a viewer with just sdk classes and no others, than will
anyone be able to recreate that viewer just by having the product plugin?

The product file just refers to Features that are used to construct the product. Each Feature lists the plugins that the Feature includes. You can create your own features so that you can distribute the plugins in different ways. For example you could have a "Lite" version that only has the plugins to view shapefiles but no editing or selecting or anything like that. Then you can create another that is the "extras" feature that can be downloaded and added for other functionality.

Not sure that answers your question but I hope it helps,


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