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Re: [udig-devel] SDK download and WFS-T with locks

Luiz Vital wrote:
Hi all,

I'm new to this list and I'm really interested in editing geoserver
data via WFS-T using udig as a client platform... As I've seen from
the 1.1.RC9 there's no support for locking features when editing...
Did I miss something? Is there any effort in making this happen?
None - I have yet to think of a good user interface to match locking.
The way WFS-T with Locking works is you have to lock everything in
one go ... so we cannot make this seemless :-(

You could try locking just what is on the screen the moment they start working with the edit tools; and then if they pan you could release the locks, rollback your connection and try to reapply the locks and then the edit again ... a pain.

One request we had was to make the process manual. Let the user draw a "fence", lock everything in the fence ... and do a GetFeaturesWithLock to drag those features into memory for a really fast editing experience. And then commit the changes back with a Transaction
that releases the lock.

So yes - you are free to work on something. And an example of a good workflow
would really help direct progress in this matter.

You may need to look at the WFSDataStore and ensure that it is
using the locking operations.
Tried the svn version, but couldn't make it work on a pre-installed
Eclipse on Ubuntu... so I'll try it again on a fresh install of
eclipse. I'm following these instructions

Any hints on these subjects would be appreciated.
If you run into any difficulties try the "non quickstart" - it goes into
more detail and often has screenshots.


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