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Re: [udig-devel] standard way to do file access and exception throwing

>> 2) how to properly throw exceptions? When to send in red to the
>> statusbar? Is there a way to open a dialog with the error description
>> and a log to send? How is this dealth with in general?
> We haven't nicely come up with a solution to this yet.  The main thing
> we do is add a logging method in the Activator class of the plugin and
> directly log to that.  There are a few areas that you can put errors. 
> One place is on the GeoResource or Service.  There is an error message
> and a Throwable that you can set.  If you are in a renderer you just
> have to throw an exception and it will be set in the status bar for that
> layer.    Layers also have a status and a status message.  This is an
> issue that needs to be better discussed at some point as it is kind of
> ad hoc now.  I think Cory started an ErrorManager but it is a long way
> from complete.

Alright, that is enough to me for now. I noticed that the error message
comes to statusbar from the printstacktrace, but I wanted to be sure. To
change all the stuff at a certain point will be hard work :)


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