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Re: [udig-devel] Something strange with map rendering

I can easily modify that delay. I think it is a second right now. I will play with the different settings to see how it behaves.


On 6-Jan-07, at 8:06 AM, Andrea Aime wrote:

today I was fiddling a little with uDig and, well... there is something strange I keep on seeing during map rendering from old versions to now.
I have the strong impression the actual rendering process does not
start when I release the mouse after a zoom or a pan, but some 0.2-0.3
second after that, adding to the perception the UI is slow.
Maybe it's the Eclipse job system that does not start the rendering
job right away, or maybe it's just an impression, but yet, it's funny
to see the CPU load totally to zero for such a long time... it's rendering a map, I would expect it to use actual CPU, and see the load
right away...

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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