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Re: [udig-devel] 1.1.RC1 testing

Would someone with svn access be willing to commit the change discussed below?


Cory Horner wrote:

>Michael Brasser wrote:
>>...I've also been able to solve at least one PostGIS problem by changing line 34 of PostGISAutoIncrementFIDMapper, from:
>>     statement.execute("SELECT currval(pg_get_serial_sequence("+tableName+","+colName+"))");
>>     statement.execute("SELECT currval(pg_get_serial_sequence(\'"+tableName+"\',\'"+colName+"\'))");
>>i.e. it seems like the table name and column name need to be in single quotes to work correctly???
>You're right, this would be a problem if the table name or column names 
>contain uppercase characters.

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