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[udig-devel] Error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/geotools/data/shapefile/indexed/RecordNumberTracker

Hi there,

I'm french student working on uDig, trying to create a drag'n'drop plugin that allows user to drop icon on a map and display it.

I had some precious advices from Michelle S. Bachler, who succeded in creating such a plugin, so I could have the drop action creating a shapefile, a layer and adding it to the layer view. But when the layer is added to the view, its icon displays with a red cross on it, and i get an error message in uDig status bar :

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/geotools/data/shapefile/indexed/RecordNumberTracker

If someone can helps me understand what causes the error, or even fix, I would be grateful.


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