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Re: [udig-devel] Re: Small Comment / WinXP crash on startup

Ken Lord wrote:

I have experienced the crash on startup on Windows XP SP2.

It has occured consistently for me i think since version 0.8 or 0.9,
right up to the current M7 release.
Sorry for sounding like a broken record... the workspace is simply the first thing I suspect when things go crazy.

For me to run UDig, I can not use the shortcut that installs with the software.

I make a new shortcut to the UDig executable without any runtime
parameters in the target.  However I do not know if doing this creates
any other negative effects.
For one, your workspace be placed in a different location... that seems it, unless other parameters where there in a past. I'm unsure what -noop does.

If I recall, other responses were along the lines of  "I dont use windows
so the problem doesn't exist", leaving us out in the cold unfortuneatly.
I apologize if anyone got this impression -- that wasn't our intent. A few of us are developing on Windows XP SP2 and have not experienced this problem. Given that this works for most windows users, it would be interesting to play with those parameters. As of 1.1.M7, the default shortcut seems to be:

...\udig.exe -data "C:\Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\..\My Documents\uDig\" -noop

Unfortunately we're shooting in the dark until we are able to reproduce this problem...

So try making a new shortcut.
RKB, did this work for you?

If so we might be able to figure out what deviates between your systems and ours.


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