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[udig-devel] Re: Small Comment / WinXP crash on startup

Hi Cory,

I have experienced the crash on startup on Windows XP SP2.

It has occured consistently for me i think since version 0.8 or 0.9,
right up to the current M7 release.

For me to run UDig, I can not use the shortcut that installs with the software.

I make a new shortcut to the UDig executable without any runtime
parameters in the target.  However I do not know if doing this creates
any other negative effects.

I believe this problem was posted here before, with a similar response
regarding clearing your workspace .... which does not work for me, If
I recall, other responses were along the lines of  "I dont use windows
so the problem doesn't exist", leaving us out in the cold

So try making a new shortcut.

Ken Lord
Vancouver BC

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