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Re: [udig-devel] Three coding questions

Combe, Colin wrote:
Adrian, yes, I think it's confusing too.
Actually, my reading of the current geotools API is that FactoryFinder
is deprecated and we're meant to be using
I think that was for the implementation behind the individual FactoryFinder implementations, I have personally
"upgraded" a couple of them to use FactoryRegistry.

I assume the request was how to use a FactoryFinder, not how to make one? If you want to know how to make one you will find instructions in the geotools developers guide, Dave Blasby referred to these instructions as the "12 steps of hell" so you are warned.
All it amounts to is using the Java API plugin system.

The instructions are offered for both FactoryFinder super class, and FactoryRegistry delegate.

Anyway, a jiira was recently created for providing an implementation of
GeoAPI's CommonFactory interface,, this should simplify things a
Not as much as using a container will.

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