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[udig-devel] uDig 1.1.M2 (Feature Complete Release)


> A complete suite of edit tools are available, including split tools, 
> difference tools, rectangle and circle tools.  There are still 
> numerous bugs but please try them out and report back to us the things
> that you like and dislike, what really surprised you, etc...

I am using MS Windows XP SP 2 with all updates as at today, Sun Java2 SDK 1.5.0_02 and zip version of uDIG 1.1M2. All tested on local SHP polygon layer. 


1) Wrong selecting of polygon for editing using polygon edit tool, not select tool. I have polygon layer. I select Polygon Edit Tool. But when I click into one polygon A, upper left neighbourhood polygon B is selected. I click cca 50 pixels from borders of polygon A. I need to click really in the centre of polygon B to be selected. I use central european (Czech) regional settings (space as delimiter of thousands and comma as delimiter of decimal delimiter). Well, I should use select tool, but using edit tool for selecting works also, but unexpected. 

2) Strange "snapping" while moving vertex. I drag and drop vertex of polygon, but "snapping" return back vertex to its original position, although I move it more than 20 pixels away.

3) Edit and zoom tool excluvity. When I use edit tool (polygon one) and want to temporary use zoom tool using rectangle are zooming, selecting zoom button result in default zoom. Hard to explain, try to repeat it. 


4) Vertex handling. Tools to add, delete and move vertex. Today only move vertex is i uDIG, but with strange behavior (see above). Handling with vertex is crucial for any kind of mouse editing. See Jump for this functionality. 

5) Snapping. Let user to define snapping tolerance in pixels (or meteres or deegrees?). Let user to select to what should be snapping counted. Possible choices are vertex of edited layer, edges of edited layer, vertex of user selected layer, edges of user defined layer (if layer is LineString or Polygon type), all exclusively. See Jump for snapping tolerance functionality. 

6) In-hand editing of vertex. Let user allow to manualy add, change or delete vertex in, let say, WKT or extended WKT format. See Jump for this functionality. 

7) Handling of record as whole in WKT format. Let user to add, change and delete record as whole. So user can have e.g. polygon in WKT in clipboard and can replace current geometry of selected one record of layer. Similar to point 6. 

Thank You for uDIG. Nice and long awaited work. 


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