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Re: [udig-devel] uDig 1.1.M2 (Feature Complete Release)

First I'd like to say thank you for this report.  You've done a great job on it.
 I will reply inline to some of the comments.  If I don't comment it is because
I am aware of the issue.

Quoting Stepan RYBAR <xrybs01@xxxxxxxxx>:

> Hello!
> > A complete suite of edit tools are available, including split tools,
> > difference tools, rectangle and circle tools.  There are still
> > numerous bugs but please try them out and report back to us the things
> > that you like and dislike, what really surprised you, etc...
> I am using MS Windows XP SP 2 with all updates as at today, Sun Java2 SDK
> 1.5.0_02 and zip version of uDIG 1.1M2. All tested on local SHP polygon
> layer.
> Bugs:
> 1) Wrong selecting of polygon for editing using polygon edit tool, not select
> tool. I have polygon layer. I select Polygon Edit Tool. But when I click into
> one polygon A, upper left neighbourhood polygon B is selected. I click cca 50
> pixels from borders of polygon A. I need to click really in the centre of
> polygon B to be selected. I use central european (Czech) regional settings
> (space as delimiter of thousands and comma as delimiter of decimal
> delimiter). Well, I should use select tool, but using edit tool for selecting
> works also, but unexpected.

Thank you for reminding me of this issue.  I believe I know the problem here.

> 2) Strange "snapping" while moving vertex. I drag and drop vertex of polygon,
> but "snapping" return back vertex to its original position, although I move
> it more than 20 pixels away.

Definately fall into the "bug category"  I think it is because I forgot to not
include the vertex you moved "FROM" so you can snap back to the original location.

> 3) Edit and zoom tool excluvity. When I use edit tool (polygon one) and want
> to temporary use zoom tool using rectangle are zooming, selecting zoom button
> result in default zoom. Hard to explain, try to repeat it.

Strange.  I'll look into this.  Please forward me any more information about this.

> Enhancements:
> 4) Vertex handling. Tools to add, delete and move vertex. Today only move
> vertex is i uDIG, but with strange behavior (see above). Handling with vertex
> is crucial for any kind of mouse editing. See Jump for this functionality.

Perhaps I have simply hidden this workflow too well.  If you use one of the
tools (Select tool, polygon tool, line tool, etc...) you can add a vertex  on a
line by clicking on it.  The mouse cursor does not change to indicate this so it
is not intuitive.  You think I should have a separate add vertex tool?

For delete just select a vertex and use the Edit>Delete menu item.  (I still
need to hook up the delete key but that will delete also).

> 5) Snapping. Let user to define snapping tolerance in pixels (or meteres or
> deegrees?). Let user to select to what should be snapping counted. Possible
> choices are vertex of edited layer, edges of edited layer, vertex of user
> selected layer, edges of user defined layer (if layer is LineString or
> Polygon type), all exclusively. See Jump for snapping tolerance
> functionality.

Also hidden.  I have to make a preference page and want to make a tool like in
ArcView that allows the user to interactively set the size of the snap.... For
now: hold down alt and move scroll wheel.

> 6) In-hand editing of vertex. Let user allow to manualy add, change or delete
> vertex in, let say, WKT or extended WKT format. See Jump for this
> functionality.

Excellent point.  This is completely ready but I had to be temporarily
disconnect in the last day because it caused a major problem with dragging and
dropping it is a matter of moving a block of code and testing again so is just a
"bug fix"  

Workflow:  Cut/copy a GML feature, WKT geometry (Text).  Paste when the Map
editor or a layer is selected.

> 7) Handling of record as whole in WKT format. Let user to add, change and
> delete record as whole. So user can have e.g. polygon in WKT in clipboard and
> can replace current geometry of selected one record of layer. Similar to
> point 6.

I take from this that WKT is a nice form to work with?  You can copy a feature
and paste it as a GML feature into a text document.  But you would like the
Feature editor to have a WKT field for editing the Geometry?

Anyone else have an opinion here?

Thank you again for this report, I will make sure that I address these issues
after the holidays.  

Happy Holidays!


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