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[udig-devel] uDig 1.1.M2 (Feature Complete Release)

After a couple of harrowing weeks we have put together a release containing all the features that will be in the final uDig 1.1 release. From now until the release we will only be applying bug fixes, performance tweaks and usabilty problems.

For those who are new to the list you can find the list of changes since uDig 1.0.5 at The changes since 1.1.M1 include a Selection View that shows a layer's selected features in a table, similar to Arc View. At the moment it is read-only but it will become the Feature Table that everyone has been asking for.

An effect dubbed the "Mylar" effect has been added. Currently it is always on but next release you will be able to toggle the effect. Add two layers that overlap each other. Select one layer then the other and watch as the alpha blending changes.

A complete suite of edit tools are available, including split tools, difference tools, rectangle and circle tools. There are still numerous bugs but please try them out and report back to us the things that you like and dislike, what really surprised you, etc...


The uDig task force

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