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Re: [udig-devel] Re: regarding our project

Hi,  I'll pipe in here as well,  my comments are in-line.

We are now after the udig API's, searching for the classes which will provide us methods to change currently displayed map and classes which enable us edit features of a selected
element in current layer.

In uDig there are 2 layers of interfaces. A read-only layer which is the public API and a read/write API that is intended to be accessed by using commands only. (This is to encourage the use of Commands so that undo/redo is supported.) The EditManager is the place to look for the currently selected layer and feature. The feature editor framework listens to the EditFeature in the EditManager (map.getEditManager()) and can be used to edit the edit feature.

There are basically 2 ways to edit features. 1 graphically via the Edit tools. I have been working for the last few months or re-writing the edit tools and you can get a preview if you download one of the nightly builds( or the latest milestone release ( The other way is using a feature editor. There is a default feature editor right now but you can write your own custom feature editors by extending the net.refractions.udig.project.ui.featureEditor extension point. Feature editors modify the "Edit Feature". The feature is part of the EditManager.

Hope this helps,


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