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[udig-devel] Re: regarding our project

p.v.vineeth kumar reddy wrote:
Hi Mr Kumar:

      I am vineeth, who have been consulting you for past two days through mail. Now our project
is in much better position. We are able import the "distanceTool" plugin and run udig as an
application in eclipse.
That is great, any feed back on the tutorial?
         We are now after the udig API's, searching for the classes which will provide us methods
to change currently displayed map and classes which enable us edit features of a selected
element in current layer.
The Programmers Guide has a section on tools - but it seems you have made one already. Tools can use commands to change the current map (moving layers around and zooming to a specific location etc...). Most of the time to edit features you can uses the FeatureSource associated with a layer directly. There is also the concept of the currently selected feature ...
             But, we are finding it very difficult to search these APIs as they are not very
descriptive in the sense that they do not tell what actually is each class's
functionality in the whole application.
Can you give me some specifics - the classes should at the very least have a describe javadoc comment that describe their responsibility in the application.
And we are wondering which class is the entry
point for the launch of udig. You can consider this as our feedback. In case, if
there are any references which tell these, kindly reply back.
Right :-)

Well we got a problem there - uDig is not responsible for the "entry point for the launch of udig". uDig makes use of the Eclipse RCP Platform. The Platform starts up, processes the "Application" extension point to see which application should be launched. It then looks at that application's requirements and loads up everything it needs - and then uses application's WorkBenchAdvisor to set up a window for the user to interact with (the view in the window are arranged according to a Perspective).


If you are hoping to modify uDig, you do not have to modify these classes.
1. You can add new menus and toolbars like normal ...]
2. You can make your own Application Extention Point (usig uDig application as an example), and set it up with your own perspective if you want.

While this is the information you asked for, I am not sure it is the answer you are looking for. Can you tell me what you are trying to do - specifically - and I can give more helpful advice.

I think what you are looking for is here:

And here are some of the pages on Tools:
On a whole udig is very feature rich tool with flexibitly and extendability.
Which is wonderful, except for these first few days when you are wondering where to start :-) In short there is *no application* like in a normal program, it operates more like a "micro kernel" that loads up plug-ins. All the the plug-ins collaborate to form the application. (Even the UDIGApplication is just a plug-in that makes a screen and gets out of the way - it does not do anything).

Here is the nice diagram of what is where in uDig:

On the bright side uDig is a normal Eclipse Rich Client Platform project - you can look at some of the book on the reading list as needed (that is how we learned). I also recommend the Eclipse online help, it was occasionally more direct then some of the advice out there on the web.


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