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Re: [udig-devel] Error with Postgis layer UDig 1.0.5 Postgis 1.0.4

A quick note to say that I will try the different Jar file, and let you know results, if any.
As regards your question about  U-Dig 1.1 MO, I also downloaded that, unitsalled my old U-Dig and installed the new one. Alas  I get exactly the same error.

On 11/23/05, Cory Horner <chorner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Johan Wehtje wrote:

> I have still been unable to load a postgis layer into UDig,  every
> time I get the same error - "An internal Error occured during "Loading
> Services....".
> I can load shape files in UDig, I can load the same Postgis Layers in
> Qgis,  and I have tried thsi against 3 different Postgresql/Postgis
> installations and with udig intsalled on 3 different machines.

Hi Johan,

The 2.2.M2 postgis jar is worth a try... we have a copy in our
repository here:

On windows, that file would need to replace:


That may or may not help... I haven't reviewed what changes have been
made in the postgis module since 2.1.1, but it is the latest version.

Has anyone encountered this problem in uDig-1.1.M0?

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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