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[udig-devel] SLD-editor?

Thursday last week was a nice day. On IRC Jesse Eichar told me that there
was a plug-in for uDig which made that I could export SLD-files. Now I can
see the power of uDig and WMS. Now my problem is more how to write a nice
report, probably a problem all of you know a lot about :-)

When Jesse and I was chatting I just googled for "SLD-editor" and found the
As I understand there is "SLD-editor"-abilities in GeoTools but they are not
used in uDig, are they used somewhere else?
And if they are not used in uDig, how does uDig do to manage to export the

When I was trying uDig I became very happy when I realised that I had put a
world map in EPSG:4326 together with a layer of Sweden in EPSG:32366 in the
same map and they fit perfectly. My thought then is where is the coordinate
transformation done? Is uDig doing it in my client? And how is it done?

/ Rasmus

PS I will do wiki about SLD as soon as I can :-)

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