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[udig-devel] Re: [Geoserver-devel] SLD-editor?

Quoting Rasmus Lindberg <cil00lr8@xxxxxxxx>:

> Thursday last week was a nice day. On IRC Jesse Eichar told me that
> there
> was a plug-in for uDig which made that I could export SLD-files. Now
> I can
> see the power of uDig and WMS. Now my problem is more how to write a
> nice
> report, probably a problem all of you know a lot about :-)
Udiggers, are you guys including that in 1.1?  I'd _really_ like to see
that in the main distribution.

> When Jesse and I was chatting I just googled for "SLD-editor" and
> found the
> link
> or/package-summary.html
> As I understand there is "SLD-editor"-abilities in GeoTools but they
> are not
> used in uDig, are they used somewhere else?
As far as I know, no.  But I'm far from sure.

> And if they are not used in uDig, how does uDig do to manage to
> export the
> SLD-file?
Exporting and importing are not the same as editing.  Udig and GeoServer
use the same SLD objects, and they use the same code to read them in to
XML, and uDig will additionally write them out to XML.

> When I was trying uDig I became very happy when I realised that I had
> put a
> world map in EPSG:4326 together with a layer of Sweden in EPSG:32366
> in the
> same map and they fit perfectly. My thought then is where is the
> coordinate
> transformation done? Is uDig doing it in my client? And how is it
> done?
If it's shapefiles then uDig is doing the transformation.  If you're
accessing a WMS then the WMS does the transformation for you if it can.
 Not sure if uDig's able to handle transforms that the WMS can't, but
it might - I remember them discussing the problem, and not sure if they
figured it out.  In the former case the transform is done using
geotools, applying it to the coordinates of the geometries.  In the
latter it would have to do some tricky stuff with the image.

> / Rasmus
> PS I will do wiki about SLD as soon as I can :-)
Cool.  Ask David Blasby before you get started, as I think he's working
on SLD stuff, and hasn't put it up.  Dave, maybe you could throw up
what you have now?  I also gathered the disparate SLD docs we have at:
so slot your stuff in there.


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