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Re: [udig-devel] dynamic addition of tools in the toolbar


I currently the SDK, so a new release would be better for me.


Jesse Eichar wrote:

Ok I see the problem. There are a few problems currently that need to be fixed. Do you need a release to develop against or can I just fix the source code and you can check that out from the repository?


Vincent Nouguier wrote:

Dear Jesse,

First, sorry for this late reply, I add to work on another project.

I have a problem while applying your solution, I get a null reference when I invoke the getTool() with categoryID and toolID. I had a look in the ToolManager code and I think that the addToModalCategory() and addToMenuCategory() methods simply does not add the new ToolProxy when the attribute "onToolbar" is false. Thus, It is impossible to retrieve the action.

I have another problem with your proposed solution. As far as I understand, I will be able to "activate" a tool that is declared in a plugin through its plugin.xml descriptor. What I would like is to be able a tool that is unknown at start-up. In order you better understand what I would like to do, I will precise here what I expect to do:

1) a thread is running, looking for files.
2) A first file is found. It is parsed to get the path of a external executable. A new Tool button appears on the GUI. When the user clicks the button, the executable is started. 3) A second file is found. It is parsed to get the path of a external executable. A second new Tool button appears on the GUI. When the user clicks the button, this second executable is started.
4) etc.

So I can't create the tools at start-up because I don't how many tools there will be.

Thanks for your help


Jesse Eichar wrote:

This is on the list of features for 1.1 but for 1.0.x you will have to do some hacking.
(This is pseudocode so it will take some tweaking)
1. Define your tool as not on Toolbar. This will allow you tool get the ToolProxy from the ToolManager but it won't be on the toolbar. 2. When you want to add the tool you have to get the ToolManager: ProjectUIPlugin.getDefault().getToolManager.getTool(). This returns an action you can add to the Toolbar. 3. Add the tool to the toolbar by getting the MapEditor's EditorSite.getActionBars().getCoolbar().add(tool). 4. The MapEditor editor site can be obtained by: PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage().getActiveEditor().getEditorSite() (Assuming the editor is the active editor).

Hope this helps. Jesse

Vincent Nouguier wrote:

Hello all,

I would like to add new tool buttons in the toolbar at runtime. The addition of the button is started by an external event. This event contains information for the GUI (an icon and a label) and information about what has to be done when the button is pressed. I don't know at startup how many buttons (and when) have to be integrated.

Is there a way to integrate tools during execution ?

Thanks in advance,

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