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[udig-devel] 3D view and Web Terrain Service


I'm having a hard time extending uDig's architecture to implement my 3D plugin. What must I extend to make a new type of editor that shows maps in 3D instead of 2D. At this time of writing I have an hardcoded prototype that doesn't work along with uDig's architecture. I have a 3D view that reads a texture file that is written in the disk every time net.refractions.udig.render.wms.basic makes a new request a receives a new image. This just isn't correct, since it messes with the base code, I want to make my functionality extend in a real plugin like fashion, can someone give me some tips on what I must extend, and what classes should I be aware of.

By the way, I was wondering what should I also extend to make uDig work with a new protocol, in this case WTS (Web Terrain Server).

Best regards,
Tiago Silva

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