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[udig-devel] Re: ?

Rasmus Lindberg wrote:
Thanks Jody.
I have read the spec, and I'm reading and writing about it right now. Some
stuff is kind of simple, but there are alot that I have to think about alot
and some that I have to ask you about to understand. The reson for my latest
question was that I had been writing about NamedLayer, UserLayer,
NamedStyle, UserStyle, FeatureTyprStyle and was writing about Rules and it
was a bit boring to write about Name,Title,Abstract over and over again. But
now I think or hope that I see or realise that the Layers and Styles are
parallel which make that there is not that many levels that I thought.

Now I have been working with this a bit and hopefully know some of it. But
if I was totaly new to all about WMS and SLD, what should you tell me to
start to read?
Good point and well taken, what I would and do tell people is to go through the following uDig walkthrough.

It makes use of a shapefile with an sld called "countries.sld", and at the end of the document I encourage people to play with making changes. 10 mins of messing around with an SLD example solves most problems. (Note in udig you can drag an SLD document onto a layer and hit
refresh to see it in action.)

If you are writing something up I would love to borrow the content for the uDig site :-)

You should also be aware that often a single SLD file is published with *all* the FeatureType rules for every FeatureType available through a WMS, the fact that only one rule will engage for any layers is besides the point (they do this so there is only ever one file to configure).

Personally I always hit a wall with FeatureType rules and the fact that there is no formal categorization of FeatureTypes around to hang styles off of in an organized manner. I know this problem has nothing to do with useage, or even portrayal, but it really makes we want to either publish a categorization for people to either use, or hate enough to make something good.


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