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Re: [udig-devel] Problems with the quickstart

Iñigo Telleria Elola wrote:
After reading the quickstart, I have followed all the steps to get a build. But I have had some problems when I import the source code to Eclipse. The uDig's fles have the names of the incorrect packages. For example: is located in this package: package net.refractions.udig.catalog.cgdi;

But in the "Package Explorer" I can see its package is

I don't know why they have different names. I think that I have followed the steps of quickstart correctly.
It looks like you are following the "Quickstart" that involves an SVN checkout? There is also an "SDK Quickstart" if you are just interested in developing plug-ins to extend uDig (it is a bit faster to set up and a lot less trouble).

But lets work on your problem :-)

There is a page here that explains how to fix a broken build:

From the sounds of it you need to udpate the classpath .... right click on the plug-in and select PDE > update classpath, you may as well update the classpath for all plugins.

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