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[udig-devel] Snippet : A methode used to create Style for a discrete value


here a little UNOFFICIAL (unsupported, to your own risk, without garanty on anything ) snippet about Style (based on somelse code, don't remember where (a test class maybe):

* this function build a polygon style usable to color a discrete attribute into a feature. (kind of soil,...)
     * of course length(colors) is equal to length(setofdata)
     * @param name : the name of the discret attribute to color
* @param colors : an array of color, One color by discrete value, can be null (choose a ramdom color in that case)
     * @param setofdata : all the real discrete values
* @param schema : the FeatureType ( use FeatureSource FS = theLayer.getResource(FeatureSource.class, null); FS.getSchema())
     * @return Style : the style
     * @throws IllegalFilterException
public static Style buildTypedStyle(String name,Color[] colors,String[] setofdata, FeatureType schema) throws IllegalFilterException {

            int count =setofdata.length;

            //grab attribute col

        StyleBuilder sb = new StyleBuilder();
        FilterFactory ff = sb.getFilterFactory();
        StyleFactory sf = sb.getStyleFactory();
        Style ret = sb.createStyle();
AttributeExpression value = sb.getFilterFactory ().createAttributeExpression(schema, name);

Rule[] rules = new Rule[count+1]; // one more in order to add the ELSE rule entry

            for (int i=0;i<count;i++)

LikeFilterImpl cf1 = (LikeFilterImpl) ff.createLikeFilter();

LiteralExpression le = ff.createLiteralExpression (setofdata[i]);
                cf1.setPattern(le,"*","?","\\"); //+"*"
                rules[i] = sf.createRule();
                Color c;
                if (colors== null)
                    c = createRandomColor();
                    c = colors[i];
                    //if (c== null)
                    //    c = createRandomColor();
PolygonSymbolizer symb1 = sb.createPolygonSymbolizer (c,, 1.0);
                rules[i].setSymbolizers(new Symbolizer[] { symb1 });


            // we build the  else
            rules[count] = sf.createRule();

PolygonSymbolizer elsePoly = sb.createPolygonSymbolizer (Color.white, 1.0);
            rules[count].setSymbolizers(new Symbolizer[] { elsePoly });

            FeatureTypeStyle ft = sf.createFeatureTypeStyle(rules);

            return ret;


    private static Random random = new Random();
    public static Color createRandomColor() {
return new Color(random.nextInt(200), random.nextInt(200), random.nextInt(200));

        private Color createColor(String text) {
            int i = Integer.decode("0x" + text).intValue();

            return Color.decode("" + i);

have fun

be aware : can't be editable because of some uggly problem with Style/ XML serialization (the problem is possibly fixed i do not check lately)

okay here a code to apply  :

StyleLayer sl = new StyleLayer(selectedLayer);
StyleBlackboard sbb = sl.getStyleBlackboard();
sbb.put(SLDContent.ID, style);

jacques divol

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