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Re: [udig-devel] Location, Location, Location

Cole Markham wrote:
That's exciting! So will this work out of the box for any location in the
US? If so, where does it get the data from? I am interested to see how this
works since I was needing so implement similar functionality.

As per earlier email, if you need to implement additional searches (against another geocoder) let me know and I can set up an extention point for both of us.

The source code here here:

I thought Jesse dragged it over to 1.0.x for his 1.0.5 release (that I was testing yesterday), but I could not find it when I looked in svn.

As for how it works, talk to James MacGill - he wrote the lookup code. I just (finally) put it in uDig for him. My impression is the geocoders is a berkly DB with most of the us stuffed into it, as I recall someone on geowanking was talking about adding in Canadian data ...

It was fun putting it in uDig - I extended "SearchPart" and had to write 2 methods and I was done, it handed all the threading and son on for me.

I turned his search results into Features (so the context menu has "delete" but what the heck). And then added an action called "show" that places a buffer around the extend of the default Geometry and then moves the viewport there (using a navigation command).

It was straightforward, but took a little bit of effort to know where to look. I think I will try and produce some documentation out of the experience.


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