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Re: [udig-devel] Getting the "programmer's manual"

Jody Garnett wrote:
Jody Garnett wrote:
Great, I'd love to have the Programmer's Guide on this machine. How do I
do that?
Opps - forgot something. The hardest part of making an export is producing a TOC contents file. I have made a script to do this in confluence and the "Index.html" page is actually a valid TOC file produced. That is you can point the help extention point directly and the generted Index.html file.

The second thing is the export - due to some strangeness (talk to psavant) you have to take the url it produces and append :8080 after the host ...
Paul Savant no CCed : ...

And here is the script - actually "layout" for *Space Export Layout ...**
#macro(hierarchy $parent)
    #if( $spacePages.contains($parent) )
        <topic label="${parent.title}" href="html/${parent.title}.html">
    #if( $parent.homePage )
       <!-- Home -->

    #foreach ($child in $parent.sortedChildren)
#hierarchy($child) #end

    #if( $spacePages.contains($parent) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?NLS TYPE=""?>
<toc label="$">
#if( $spacePages && $spacePages.size()>0 )
   #foreach( $page in $space.pages )
    #if( $page.rootLevel )
          #hierarchy( $page )

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