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Re: [udig-devel] UDIG RC3

On Wed, 2005-08-10 at 06:56 -0400, David Adler wrote:
> Jesse,
> We still have the same problem that you aren't picking up a good 
> db2-2.1.RC1.jar.  When I copy this over from my GeoTools 'stable' build, 
> uDIG works fine (layer from DB2 draws fine).  Otherwise uDIG crashes with 
> the methodNotFound error.
What is the stable build?  Geotools trunk or 2.1.x?  Does this mean that
the files from don't work
for you?

> Still have the problem that when restarting uDIG, I get 'layer not 
> rendered' for previously displayed map layers.  This also occurs for me 
> with shapefile layers.  Is there something special to make the previous map 
> redraw after restarting uDIG?

Strange.  I haven't had any problems with saving and loading.  I've
tested saving and loading with Postgis, WFS, WMS and Shapefile layers.
I must say that I don't understand why you are having these problems.  I
had assumed you were only having them with maps containing DB2 layers.
If a map contains both DB2 Layers and Shapefile layers it is likely that
none of the layers will load so maybe it is that?  This is the first
thing I'm going to look into.


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