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Re: [udig-devel] UDIG RC3


We still have the same problem that you aren't picking up a good db2-2.1.RC1.jar. When I copy this over from my GeoTools 'stable' build, uDIG works fine (layer from DB2 draws fine). Otherwise uDIG crashes with the methodNotFound error.

Still have the problem that when restarting uDIG, I get 'layer not rendered' for previously displayed map layers. This also occurs for me with shapefile layers. Is there something special to make the previous map redraw after restarting uDIG?

At 10:23 PM 8/9/2005, Jesse Eichar wrote:
RC3 is here to try out.  It has a couple outstanding bugs:

1.  DB2 doesn't load correctly.
2.  English Help has broken links to images

I have put up another Release Candidate. I found a drag and drop bug that kept me occupied for most of the day today so we don't get a release quite yet. Tomorrow I'm getting a couple of guys working on fixing the help while I debug DB2. Dave Adler, if you could verify that DB2 can be used to view maps that would be great. I want to make sure that I cleaned correctly.


User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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