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Re: [udig-devel] render performance

Vince Darley wrote:
I can confirm that this patch also speeds things up for me, to about the 1 second mark, which is a very large improvement! This is Windows XP, Dell Latitude D800, 1 gig ram.

(For some reason uDig's performance seems unusually sensitive to the number of other applications which are open, even when there's plenty of memory free -- it runs a _lot_ better after a restart or closing everything that's open).

This is nothing new, unfortunately, it's XP that's swapping out uDig even
if there's plenty of free RAM. This does not happen under Linux, but unfortunately XP memory management is severely broken in this respect.

Now, there is a plugin that may be used to force Eclipse in memory, see:

I don't know if it can be adapted to be used in uDig as well, but I think so
(althought the plugin has been created for Eclipse 3.0 and I don't know if
it works with 3.1 as well).

Best regards
Andrea Aime

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