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[udig-devel] Breakdown of scope between projects

Chris Holmes wrote:

if we could consider moving the 'gui' module from geotools to
geowidgets.  You know the one that few of us use, that we get a

Yeah I understood your point - I was just trying to confirm what Matthias and James intended.

I could totally see the rendering system being broken out (and made
to opperate against interfaces). It is more then pure view, it is pure

don't think I'm at advocating splitting out the rendering system (at
least not yet).

James was - the shapefile renderer module scared him, we only want to break out modules when they can hide safely behind an interface.

  All I was thinking of was these classes:

They're in migrate, but I don't know that anyone is going to actually do
the migrate.  I'm suggesting we migrate them into geowidgets.  Or will
geowidget be a refactoring?  Basically when people ask 'where did the
gui module go?' can I say 'look at geowidgets'?

Lol - that is a sensible plan. But we do have to consider the where at a technical level such a split should occur.

- specifications (such as SLD, Feature, Filter)
- data objects (such as SLD, Feature, Filter)
- visualization (such as renderers, Canvas)
- model (wraps data w/ events)
- controler (allows modification of model via commands)
- widgets (swt,swing,opengl)
- canvas (such as Java2D, Draw2D, OpenGL raster)
- Formal breakdown into plugins, tools, keyboard shortcuts

This break down sounds good to me.  Though you have canvas twice, in
geotools under visualization, and in geowidgets.  Or does gt2 define
the general, and geowidgets the individual interfaces?

gt2 defined the interface (or we could use the GeoAPI Canvas/Graphic interfaces) and geowidgets would have the Swing and SWT implementations. The interface needs to be defined at the geotools level or higher so that the renderer can opperate against them.

Also, Matthias - I'm sure we can find you some tools to support
project, if you're willing to commit to it and take a decent lead.

Yeah I second that Matthias - if you are not already set up lets get this show on the road :-)

Is there a nice way to separate it out?  Though I think I'm fine with
event notification in gt2, as long as it's actually maintained and used
- which hasn't been the case in the past.

It could be that the geotools classes should just bite the bullet and issue modification events? I generally get worried when things start to have events - it is a real hinderence to reuse.

There is a reason why GeoAPI has Feature interface without events, and Graphic representation of a Feature w/ events. Such separations are good, often application writers have a preexisting data structure they just want to see on a map - the less that is needed to support the Feature interface the more likely they are to use geotools. This benifit is the only thing the JUMP Feature system does bettern then us.


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