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[udig-devel] Re: GeoAPI stability (and the other projects)

Jody Garnett a écrit :
I will have to do a search on those methods you mentioned....
getIdentifiers() - used in BasicWMSRenderer (so richard would have to change stuff)
getAlias() - no hits anywhere?
getCoordinateReferenceSystems() ... no hits in udig (3 in geotools)
getOperations() - nadda
getPositionalAccuracy() - nadda

getAlias() should have some hits in Geotools. But anyway I will take care of dependencies in Geotools, since I expect most of them to occur in the CRS framework.

Except for 'getIdentifiers()', I see most of the above methods as "advanced" ones, which is why I don't expect a wide usage yet.

So on a technical level udig is not that harmed by your api change over, I would just need to buy richard a beer.
Dblasby can you do a search in the geoserver code base?

It would be appreciated (especially if every one is okay :) ).

As a side note: I just remember that you can (if you want) get generic types with GeoAPI collections right now. On my machine, I use the generic version of GeoAPI (without type erasure), and it work perfectly well. You get a bunch of "unchecked conversion" warnings when compiling Geotools, but no error. And you get real type safety when using GeoAPI interfaces in J2SE 1.5 projects outside Geotools. If you want, I can send you the JAR with generic types. Just using it on yours classpath instead of the non-generic one should do the trick.


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