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[udig-devel] GeoAPI stability (and the other projects)

Martin Desruisseaux wrote:

There is the JAR (note: Geotools will not compile with this JAR right now, of course).

Thanks martin trying it out, the idea of releasing udig 1.0 with stable jars all around is a good one. I do not want to speak for dblasby, he is similarly time stressed these days as well.

Okay my first cut at just using your jar failed, there were so many compile errors it was impossible to see what was actually broken by the change. Speaks well for the eclipse compiler, but is not helpful right now.

I will have to do a search on those methods you mentioned....
getIdentifiers() - used in BasicWMSRenderer (so richard would have to change stuff)
getAlias() - no hits anywhere?
getCoordianteReferenceSystems() ... no hits in udig (3 in geotools)
getOpperations() - nadda
getPositionalAccuracy() - nadda

So on a technical level udig is not that harmed by your api change over, I would just need to buy richard a beer.
Dblasby can you do a search in the geoserver code base?

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