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[udig-devel] Eclipse version (was problems with uDig build)

Upson, Patrick wrote:

Yes I am currently using Eclipse 3.1 M7, I was also at one point trying out
Eclipse 3.0.2 and was receiving similar errors.
What versions of eclipse do you know this runs with?
We *just* switched from M6 to M7 yesterday (hence the problems). Note M7
needs GEF and EMF installed. We use the latest Java 5 release with JAI,
ImageIO and some SOAP jars in the lib/ext directory.

The version list is maintained here:

And I spent a couple hours yesterday going through all the possible
"run" options to arrive at this:

We have several factors to balance for our run configuration:
- we want it as close as possible to the RCP app we release
- we need to ensure that classloader system knows to include the JRE
bootclasspath (where JAI lives)

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

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