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[udig-devel] Re: World Plus Image

Jody wrote:

> We can cut a uDig release for geotools developers that includes world
> plus image support. This should enable
> a lot of testing (and bug reports).  There was also a volunteer
> yesterday who was interested in raster support.

I'd like to help and test with that too.
Personally I prefer GeoTiff and also have expertise with the GeoTiff internals
as I wrote a GeoTiff Reader/writer in VisualBasic two years ago. I've also used
raw formats a lot.
(I have less expertise with the GridCoverage specification however).

Actually raster geoimages are the main reason why I was interested in uDig and
GeoTools in the first place.
With the coverage specification and JAI working behind the scenes I believe Java
can be a nice language when it comes to geoimage processing and displaying.
What I imagine is that the gridcoverage spec. allows to handle coverages backed
up by
- grid images
- resampled/interpolated grids
- coverages interpolated from points/contour lines
- mathematical functions
- TINs
- shape files or other other polygon data
alike so that functions that just require a value for each location (such as
renderers or some statistics) can work with all of the above inputs alike.

Also let me point to an interesting project, BEAM, the Basic ERS & Envisat
(A)ATSR and Meris Toolbox. (I'm not sure I've mentioned it before.)
It is a geoimage processing software specifically for the Envisat sensors, but
also capable of handling other formats. It is Open Source and has some
interesting concepts, such as a generic interface for all data products.
I wonder If it would be possible to slowly converge BEAM to uDig in the sense
that uDig could profit from thew image processing tools of BEAM and BEAM from
the Eclipse-based modern and more modular UI.

Martin wrote:
> As a side note, I wonder if we could find a more intutive package name
> than org.geotools.gce. What about

I totally agree.

Matthias Basler

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