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[udig-devel] JAI we have a problem

I am trying to set up my windows XP box - from scratch, following the uDig (or geotools, or geoserver) install instructions.
And a recent security update from Microsoft has stopped me cold.

None of the available JAI intall options from sun work right now:
- Windows Auto-installation for Java Plug-in - a zip file that contains a jar, that cannot be run as it lacks a main application
-  Windows CLASSAPTH Install - a installer that won't run ...
- Windows JDK Install - an installer that won't run ....
- Window JRE Install - an installer that won't run ...

The error message is: 16 bit Windows Subsystem
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\AUTOEXEC.NT. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows application. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application.
Choosing Close (or Ignore) has no real effect.

Can anyone *please* verify this problem?

Jody Garnett

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