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Re: [udig-devel] styling by attribute (again)

dblasby@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

I wanted to use udig to look at some tiger data.

Tiger has a bunch of line work ("complete chains"), each with a cfcc
(telling you it a hwy, road, shoreline, statistical boundary, etc...).

I wanted to view this in udig, but (1) I cannot style by attribute or
(2) limit the data being displayed.

I made a set of different shapefile for each major category (road, rail,
hydro), but that wasnt enough detail.  I didnt want to make a shapefile
(by hand) for each of the 100s of categories, and then add them (one at
a time), then style each one differently.

I know I've been harping on this every since january or february, but
this is basic stuff!
We have tried to book some time for a theme based SLD editor for uDig 1.0, would DnD of your own SLD document work in the short term?

ps. is there any way you can add a filter to a datasource?
Not to my knowledge (I thought that was what you 'virtual' feature source was supposed to do for me?). There is the ability to do selections with a filter (but I find the geotools notation for writing one by hand opque). I would like to do a parser for the "query" notation put forth in the most recent Catalog 2.0 specification (they provide a BNF that looks a lot like SQL).


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