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Re: [udig-devel] Geowidgets? and Go-1

Ian Turton wrote:
On 4/24/05, Jody Garnett <jgarnett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Matthias Basler wrote:

Long term goals:
- MapCanvas, Legend panels, etc., by building on the existing widgets

They did start something along the map canvas idea. We offered to
develop the udig redering framework in geotools last year, but nobody
understood the tradeoffs we were trying to make (a layer separate from a
either a WFS+SLD or a WMS rendering of the layer).

The GO-1 project (and geoapi - I think) has a defined  a canvas widget
aswell as some other widgets.

That is a good point, in my intial review of the API they lacked sufficient scalability for our intended use. They did make some revisions with the addition of a DataStore api etc.

My recent review of their FeatureType model showed that it lacked sufficient flexability to capture GML based features, although their Geometry interfaces seem to be sufficient.

Right now we do not have any implementations of the GO-1 object in the public domain. Geotools is at best 6 months to a year (and a harmonization effort) away.

Jody Garnett

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