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[udig-devel] Geowidgets?

Hi decelopers

Since the discussion about EPSG last week, which I took as motivation to rebuild
my CRS selection/assembly widget I have thought a bit about the thing in a
broader sense.
The result is, that I felt the need for, what I'd call a "GeoWidgets" project.
The idea I had is to provide reusable widgets for often used tasks in GIS and
remote sensing applications. They shall:
- run independently from any application they are used in, but still
- shall be customizable for a particulat application.
- be available as Swing and SWT versions, using the same logic "behind the
scenes". (So it's not too much double work.)
- use GeoTools, GeoAPI, the JSR108 (Units) and similar well-known open source
libraries to get the functionality from
- shall be "enabled" to use the EPSG database, but use interfaces to allow for
different implementation to access the data. This way, it would be possible to
provide implementations that, f.e. derive the information from plain text
files, the EPSG database via ODBC, the internet or other sources.
- shall be prepared for localization (e.g. of units or CRS' names)

Short term goals:
- Unit selection dropdown (quite finished)
- CRS assembly widget (being worked on)
- CRS selection widget (some parts already there)
Long term goals:
- MapCanvas, Legend panels, etc., by building on the existing widgets

Since I know there are people here that might be interested I ask here for your
opinion and comments. Applications like uDig would be a target and GeoTools
could use the widgets for testing their library functions and providing demos.

If you believe I am too late (as usual) and such project is already running,
please point me to it.

Matthias Basler

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