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Re: [udig-devel] Labeling (polygon)

On Mon, 2005-04-18 at 19:21 -0400, dblasby@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Jessie,
> I had a chance to look at some of the labeling in udig.
> I noticed two things (see attached image of the states.shp included with
> geoserver).  I think I've already reported these:
> 1. It appears that the label is placed with the first letter at the
> polygon's centroid.  You should consider putting the middle of the
> label at the centroid of the polygon.
> 2. For polygons that are partially on screen and partially off-screen,
> you should first intersect the polygon with the view and then try to
> label the resulting polygon.  If you dont, you'll either not label a
> polygon (because the polygon centroid (and the entire label) is off
> screen) or you'll get a partially-off screen label - like Texas in the
> attached picture.
> NOTE: you might get a multipolygon from the intersection.  You could
> even get points or lines - but you should ignore them.
> dave

Yes I agree.  If you remember we made a simple but improved labeling
algorithm.  It was the best I had time for.  You're welcome to add some
fixes ;)  

I'll keep these suggestions in mind for when I get a chance to work on
it again.


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