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Re: [udig-devel] Exporting the user guide

Matthias Basler wrote:

Hi developers

Jody Garnett wrote:
I made the "index.html" page generate a toc file with some degree of sucess,
problem is it is not order dependent. It exports in the "natural"
alphabetical order of the pages, as such it is not a real solution.

I just tried exportig myself and, for the first time, succeeded.
When I tried to export the whole space into one PDF to check if this could be
used to create a user guide PDF document, I found the very same problem: Pages
get exported by their alphabetical order, instead of their page hierarchy.
Other projects use a leading page number in the title of the page.
Still it was a lot of work to update those TOC files, I don't really want to go through that manual process again. I have talked with the Confluence people about a solution, they did not have enough resources to give us a quote and were passing it on to one of their partners. I kind of think we will have a solution before then.

If you look at this link:

You will see a plugin I really want to add to our system. It provides next/previous buttons at the bottom of the page. Already you can see a few sections of the wiki where users have manually added these sorts of links.

So Matthias how far do we want to take these ideas?

Since the Eclipse people (who obviously create their PDF docs similarly) manage
to sort them correctly, I believe there must be a way to "tell" Confluence to
use the page hierarchy as the export order or to explicitely specify the order.
They use html contents and HTMLDOC to generate pdf files.
If you check out this link it has the details:

I did look into several of these eclipse based solutions (such as TinyHTML) but honestly none of them were that great?

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