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[udig-devel] Exporting the user guide

Hi developers

Jody Garnett wrote:
> I made the "index.html" page generate a toc file with some degree of sucess,
> problem is it is not order dependent. It exports in the "natural"
> alphabetical order of the pages, as such it is not a real solution.

I just tried exportig myself and, for the first time, succeeded.
When I tried to export the whole space into one PDF to check if this could be
used to create a user guide PDF document, I found the very same problem: Pages
get exported by their alphabetical order, instead of their page hierarchy.

Since the Eclipse people (who obviously create their PDF docs similarly) manage
to sort them correctly, I believe there must be a way to "tell" Confluence to
use the page hierarchy as the export order or to explicitely specify the order.

Matthias Basler

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