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[udig-devel] Installer

Matthias Basler wrote:

Dear Jody Garret

Again I have downloaded and tested some aspects the new Version of uDig.
First thing I noted is that the "user data path" issue is fixed. :-)
Yeah cool, I still have some trouble with the uninstaller not being able to remove the created directory. But perhaps it shouldn't?

Again, I would still prefer a solution similar to Eclipse where there is a
"Switch workspace" menu entry, so it would f.e. be possible to set the
workspace to a directory where there's already geodata created, for instance,
by other software.

I hear you, keep in mind we don't have a workspace (we are not the eclipse IDE). Your uDig files can be saved anywhere - most often in the user's home directory (or MyDocuments). However we are supposed to have the open file dialog remember the last location used ...

... I think that may solve the problem you mentioned above? Of wanting to use a directory that was created by another program?

This would also allow to work on different projects having
data on different locations (e.g. different partitions, local network etc.).
That is interesting, so the "default" directory for the open file dialog would be project specific? That may be a bit inconsistent to use if you have a couple project files open. But I will think about it.

Second thing I noted is that there are some strange "German" bits in the English
user interface, e.g.
Really? That is great! Bad that they are in the relase (and not complete), but wonderful that the internationalization work is kicking in. I was away all week and not had an opertunity to see it in action.

- "Basische Schablone" as default template. Who the hell translated this???
 EN: Basic template, DE: Standardvorlage
Richard Gould transalted this, he is learning German.

I wonder if these translations are some april jokes ;-)
I am sure they are not intended as such, any assistence in translation would be appricated.

team is working on a French language pack, maybe there is some documentation on
creating more language packs or some help on that available?


Second topic I'd like to talk about is download size. I noticed that
- uDigxxx.exe is ~60MB
- is ~20MB
- uDig SVN repository checkout is ~100MB (or something like that)

Since I have a download limit I wonder why a rather "non-multimedia" program as
uDig is that large, and if there are possibilities to reduce download size for
the final version.

Some ideas:
- Online-installer that analyzes the system, downloads only necessary components
and stores them for later reuse in a repository directory. I believe, f.e.
Netscape does this.

- My favourite for past-1.0 versions: Patches. The obvious advantage is that
only changes are included. This drastically reduces download size and avoids
reinstalling uDig over and over.

- Please provide source code - at least of stable versions - as packed zip file
that can be imported as a complete project into Eclipse. Some Eclipse examples
do exactly that. This is a much smaller alternative to SVN checkout for people
like me that don't need the most-up-to-date code. I have the feeling the SVN
repository sends its data unpacked. But I might be wrong.

- Could you or somebody from the project tell me which of the many plugins are
actually necessary to build/run uDig and which are optional (e.g. import filter
plugins)? The idea is that I would not need to checkout ALL plugins to just
analyze and understand the uDig framework, but just enough to do the build and
run uDig.

Matthias Basler

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