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[udig-devel] Keyboard short cuts

In UDIG 0.9 there is added support for keyboard short cuts, or commands
in eclipse terms.  ( For those who don't know all the keyboard shorcut
settings that can be set in the Window->Preferences->General->Keys
preferences are commands and are extensions of the Command Extension

What I want to know is what shortcuts we should use.  Currently we have
Ctrl+L to add layers.  Ctrl+O to open projects.  Z to activate the zoom
tool.  S to activate the selection tool.  E to select and activate the
edit tools.  I to activate the info tool.  W to pan up, X to pan down, A
to pan left and D to pan right.  The bindings are far from ideal I
wanted to get it up and going then ask for help on deciding what
commands udig should be have.

A couple notes:  arrow keys are not good because often there are higher
level restrictions on them, for example cycling through lists or
widgets.  Also the S, E, I, Z are assigned to tool "categories".  A category is a set of tools.  The first time the hotkey is pressed it activates the current item in the category.  The second press cycles to the next item in the category.  Press "E" a couple of times to see how it works, (It currently is the only category that has more than one item)  When more items appear in categories a chevron will appear by the tool to allow tool choice via the mouse.

Finally, take a peek at the Tools menu.  The xml document controls what tools appear in the tools menu and in the toolbar so Tools can appear in either or both.  I'd like feedback on what tools should be where and whether the tools menu should be reorganized.


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