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Re: [udig-devel] Site Stability M5a Move etc

romano.fmce@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:


I am new to this list and I intend to evaluate uDig as development
platform  for a GIS application.

I would like to know if the subversion repository is safe to use with
Eclipse M4 or M5a. Does uDig keep branches of past Eclipse version?
Yes uDig keeps branches (

And given community feedback (and our experience of M5a) we are looking into alternatives - so far the best plan we have *working* is to copy the 5 wizard utility classes that we use out of M5a allowing udig to remain with M4.

The other API we wanted to make use of (Commands) does not appear to be ready yet - even in M5a.

Congratulations on the initiative. uDig seems to be a very good GIS
development platform. I was trying to find something like this for a while
and I think Eclipse's RCP ease the development of it a lot.
Thanks for the encouragement.

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