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Re: [udig-devel] questions about uDig 1.0

Actually any venue is pretty good - communication is the important bit.
- For actual bugs and errors - the Jira bug tracker is the way to go.
- For things like websites being down and so on the email list is very good.
- For new ideas, questions on how things are supposed to work, or suggestions it would be nice to talk about them on email, and then make some Jira issues when we have enough community input.

Ok. I'll send out comments in a few days (I'm swamped right now).

While I ran into a ton of error messages and things that didn't respond properly, the application never, ever crashed!

That is good about the non crashing part, I assume you were running the release candidate? The release candidate is missing the printing subsystem right now which may account for some of your errors.

0.8RC1, as I mentioned in my previous message.

Thanks. I shouldn't have used such formal language. I just want to hear opinions about how it might work with less than stellar hardware. BTW, I tested it on a Pentium III, about 1GHz, 512MB RAM, Win2000, with other software running. It never felt slow, it simply became buggier and less functional over time.

Well there is some good and bad news in that, but I appriacte the platform information. And should start a wiki page to capture this information. This is one of the things that open source software does best - expose a codebase to a wide varity of platforms.

Yes. And I like your idea.

Note that GeoServer also supports internationalization, and I think there is already a spanish translation available. What the work consists of is copying around 20 files that look like this:

search.tooltip=Search for Spatial information

And providing the spanish translations on the right hand side. You can also replace icons and splash screens as required (and indeed you may want to do this if you set up your own udig based application).

That sounds relatively easy. I'll keep it in mind.

As for Geoserver, it sounds like a great application, but I don't expect to use it in this particular project. What I need to expose to internal users is the simplest possible system -- shape files and geotiffs, is my guess. Which doesn't mean I won't consider a PostGIS backend to generate updated shape files and support a Mapserver application...


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