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[udig-devel] Style workflow feedback results

One area I requested feedback is with the styling - here is what I have so far:
- no feedback on the Apply/Revert workflow
- had many requests to "edit" the SLD document directly
- had a request to allow DnD of sld documents onto a layer
- the wish to edit the style of many layers at the same time
- allow user defined presets (probably saved as sld documents in their home directory)

I really think seeing something like an SLD document in the user interface would scare first time users. I like the idea of having a right click "Copy Style" that saves the Style information out as xml, and "Paste Style" that does the same (possibly on multiple layers at once). Especially as the expert users could open up a text editor to change the information of what is being copied and pasted. I don't mind expert users being tricky - I am just scared of showing full on SLD complexity to anyone that did not ask for it.


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