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[udig-devel] Developers Guide & Design of UDIG

So an open question to list members -

Are you interested in design discussions like the previous one on IoC? Or is everyone content that the udig framework is proceeding at pace? On this list we tend to focus on what udig can do, rather than how it is done ...

The reason I ask is that I want to work on an outline of the Developers Guide, and would like to know what level of detail people are interested in ... I know that most contributors will be showing up with a specific goal in mind. So perhaps background information may be edged out in favour of specific tutorials?

Examples of excellent design that have popped up over the course of this project: - Using Eclipse Platform (for IoC, scalability, startup speed performance, ...)
- stack computer used to evaluate GML for WFS
- strategy objects and version negotiation for WMS communication
- use of Java 5 constructs to simplify the Catalog API
- use of EMF and Model Driven Design for the central Project/Page/Map/Layer data model - use of Java Advanced Imaging (and Image IO) as a small functional programming language

I don't think the pace of ideas will slow even this last week we their have been discussion of using groovy as a scripting language, or a local hsql database for spatial operations.

Even if you just respond privately to this email - I would love the feedback on what kind of background information *you* feel is needed for this project to be successful.


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